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2016 Pre-Conference Institute

Neuroscience-Informed Behavioral Interventions: 

From Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Cognitive Training

ABCT Pre-Conference Institute

Thursday October 27th, 2016, 8:30am-5pm

New York Marriott Marquis, NYC


8:30-8:35pm: Introduction and Welcome

Rebecca Price, NTTR SIG President & Pre-conference Institute Chair


8:35-10:00: Cognitive Science and Neuroscience in Treatment Development

8:35-9:05: Attention bias modification: Past, Present, and Future

Rebecca Price, University of Pittsburgh


9:05-9:35: [Novel developments in cognitive training and synergistic brain-focused intervention strategies]

Rudi De Raedt, Ghent University


9:35-9:55 Session 1 Discussion/Q & A led by Yair Bar-Haim, Tel Aviv University


10:00-10:30 Beverage Break


10:30-12:20 Neuroscience and CBT

10:30-11:00: Using neuroscience to inform prolonged exposure therapy for PTSD


Sheila Rauch, Emory University


11:00-11:30 Neural Mechanisms of Behavioral Interventions for Anxiety and Irritability in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Denis Sukhodolsky, Yale University


11:30-12:00 Toward precision treatments for Autism(s)

Kevin Pelphrey, Yale University



12:00-12:20 Session 2 Discussion/Q & A led by Kristen Ellard, Massachusetts General Hospital


12:20-1:15 LUNCH on your own


1:15-2:35 Neuroscience in Treatment Planning

1:15-1:45 How can Neuroscience make a difference for Psychiatry?

Martin Paulus, Laureate Institute


1:45-2:15 How can clincians use their patients' functional neuroimaging data in CBT?

Greg Siegle, University of Pittsburgh


2:15-2:35 Session 3 Discussion/Q & A led by Danny Pine, National Institute of Mental Health


2:35-3:00 Beverage Break & Demo Fair Set-up


3:00-3:30 Panel: De-Mystifying Neuroscience/Clinical Integration for Trainees, Clinicians, and Researchers

Discussion/Q & A led by Andrew Peckham & Elissa Hamlat


3:30-5:00 Neurocognitive/translational assessment & intervention demonstration fair 


5:00 Adjourn, head to the bar!


Special thanks to all members of the pre-conference institute planning committee:

Becca Price, Greg Siegle, Kristen Ellard, John Richey, Kean Hsu, Kate Nooner, Angela Fang, Andrew Peckham, Elissa Hamlat, Allison Waters, Bob Berchick, Peter Hitchcock


The 3 winners of our SIG-sponsored student scholarships for attending the pre-conference institute -- Michele Bechor, Aileen Echiverri-Cohen, and Logan Cummings. 

Your SIG member dues in action!


Enjoy these pictures from our wildly successful 2016 Pre-conference Institute. A write-up of our activities is coming soon!


2016 Poster Competition


Ninth Annual Student Poster Competition 
ABCT, October 2016
New York City, NY


Congratulations to our 2016 Poster Competition Winners!

1st place – Mary Woody


2nd place – Katherine McCurry


3rd place – Michelle Bechor

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