2023 SIG Expo Call for Poster Abstracts
Deadline: August 15, 2023
The Neurocognitive Therapies/Translational Research (NTTR) SIG is pleased to announce our call for abstracts for the annual ABCT SIG student poster competition to be presented at the SIG Poster Exposition/Cocktail Reception on Friday, November 17th in Seattle. All students and trainees who are interested in participating should send a PDF including full abstract details and author/co-author names and affiliations with “2023 NTTR SIG Poster Competition” in the e-mail subject line to nttrsig@gmail.com by August 15, 2023.
Submissions should include a brief summary of the research project (no more than 250 words) including Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion sections. To submit an abstract, you must be a member of the NTTR SIG.
The SIG is allowed to display 12 posters; if we receive more than 12 submissions, some will not be accepted for presentation at the SIG reception. All submissions will be considered for presentation at the SIG reception; however, only submitters who have not received an award in previous years will be eligible to receive one of our top 3 poster awards. The 3 poster awards will be given to trainees at any level of training (undergraduate, postbacc, graduate, postdoctoral) but no more than 1 postdoctoral trainee will receive the award. Abstracts with completed data collection and analysis, as well as submissions by individuals from underrepresented backgrounds, will be prioritized for presentation and awards. Please indicate with an asterisk on the author/co-author list if an author self-identifies as a member of an underrepresented group (examples include, but are not limited to: race/ethnicity, sexual/gender minority status, disability status, immigration status, first generation college student). Abstracts will be evaluated based on the following criteria: scientific rigor (including completed data collection), alignment with the translational mission of the SIG, and underrepresented status.
Accepted poster titles and authors will be listed in the Addendum to the Convention Program that will be included in all convention registration packets. Details about poster size and format can be found on the ABCT conference website. Notifications about decisions for entries to the NTTR SIG student poster competition will be emailed by September 5, 2023.
The NTTR SIG's mission is to bridge the gap between basic and applied science in understanding the nature and treatment of psychiatric disorders. We are committed to multidisciplinary research and the application of cognitive and affective neuroscience to improve the conceptualization and effectiveness of therapeutic interventions. Researchers and clinicians in this SIG apply brain imaging, physiological indices of emotion, cognitive enhancement strategies, neuropsychological and cognitive training, cognitive bias modification, and related techniques as tools for increasing our understanding of clinical disorders.
Please reach out to Marlene Strege (stregem@upmc.edu) if you have any questions. Visit our website for more information about the NTTR SIG and our mission: www.neurocognitive-therapies.com/
We look forward to receiving your submissions!
Call for Abstracts for ABCT Career Development Institute
Sponsored by NTTR SIG
DEADLINE: August 1, 2023
The Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Neurocognitive Therapies and Translational
Research (NTTR) Special Interest Group (SIG) is pleased to announce an exciting opportunity for early-stage
investigators to receive individually-tailored training on maximizing the clinical impact of their research.
Rationale: We want to help you make your work matter. Work that matters will be more fundable, more
publishable, and have more of an impact. There is a notorious gap between research and its use in actual
clinics. This gap is particularly salient for projects done by trainees, whose work gets overlooked by the clinical
community. This workshop is geared towards improving the likelihood that the work of trainees immersed in
neurocognitive research actually penetrates clinical audiences by incorporating translational, implementation,
and dissemination-ready thinking into their work from the outset. To learn how the NTTR SIG works to enhance
the impact of basic science findings in real-world clinics, please visit: www.neurocognitive-therapies.com.
Opportunity: Trainees immersed in neuroscience, medicine, bioengineering, and psychology training programs
(doctoral students, postdocs, residents, or early-ish career faculty) will be invited to attend a 2-hour conference
session at the ABCT 2023 convention (November 17-19) in Seattle. Following a 5-minute “nurse shark tank style”
presentation of their proposal to an expert panel of facilitators from clinical psychological science, neuroscience,
industry, dissemination, and implementation knowledge areas, expert panelists will address implementation
challenges likely to arise from this work before it begins in earnest and will provide advice on how to address
these challenges. Experts will work with trainees to increase their project’s likely impact and clinical penetration
while retaining the primary goals of this work. Click here to see a list of past research proposals that have been
Applicants can either submit the following information in a combined PDF to nttrsig@gmail.com or to Google
forms https://forms.gle/nDKkqWinFjFKwzuk9:
1. Proposal form (click here to download)
2. Copy of CV
1. Research in early stages of development (e.g., data collection has not yet begun) will be prioritized but
research at any stage is welcome and will be seriously considered
2. Ability to attend scheduled session at the ABCT 2023 convention in-person
3. Candidates do not need to be members of ABCT to apply
We encourage asking for feedback on:
1. Innovative translation of basic science findings with strong potential for real-world clinical impact
especially for marginalized communities
2. Increasing design and methodological rigor
DEADLINE: August 1, 2023