The 2018 ABCT mHealth Pre-Conference
An Innovation Forum sponsored by the Technology & Neurocognitive Therapies/Translational Research SIGs
Thursday, November 15, 2018, Washington DC
As a testament to the growing interest in our SIG and the growing appeal of the phenomenal work of our members, we have been invited to hold another Pre-Conference Institute at this 2018's conference in Washington DC, this time in combination with the ABCT Technology SIG. We had another stellar line up of speakers and demonstrators that demonstrated an even stronger demonstration of the bridge between neuroscience informed methods, technology and clinical practice.

The NTTR SIG “Year’s Most Influential Paper” Prize
The Neurocognitive Therapies/Translational Research Special Interest Group is very pleased to announce the first “Year’s Most Influential Paper” prize, to be awarded at the 2018 conference of ABCT.
The prize consists of $100.00 and an award certificate to honor the lead author of the paper that we believe best raises awareness of the role of the brain and/or mind in the recognition and treatment of psychiatric disorders. This award will allow our SIG to celebrate the year’s most compelling paper representing our mission statement. The winning author will be asked to speak at the subsequent year’s SIG meeting and will be specially honored at the Friday night cocktail reception.
The lead author must be an NTTR SIG member.
The paper must have been published or be ‘in press’ from 2017-18.
The paper must have a mid- or later-career first author, in other words, someone who has moved beyond student, intern, postdoctoral, or Assistant Professor status.
Applicants can range from Associate to Emeritus professor status, or the equivalent.
Submissions are due on August 20, 2018 by email to nttrsig@gmail.com and will be reviewed by a specially appointed ad hoc committee comprised of SIG members.
“The NTTR SIG’s mission is to bridge the gap between basic and applied science in understanding the nature and treatment of psychiatric disorders. We are committed to multidisciplinary research and the application of cognitive and affective neuroscience to improve the conceptualization and effectiveness of therapeutic interventions. Researchers and practitioners in this SIG apply brain imaging, physiological indices of emotion, cognitive enhancement strategies, neuropsychological and cognitive training, and related techniques as tools for increasing our understanding of anxiety, depression, addictions, schizophrenia, ADHD, and other disorders.”
The NTTR SIG “Year’s Most Influential Paper” Prize
NTTR Student Poster Competition 2018
The Neurocognitive Therapies/Translational Research (NTTR) SIG is pleased to announce our call for abstracts for the annual ABCT SIG student poster competition to be presented at the SIG Poster Exposition/Cocktail Reception on Friday, November 16, 2017 from 6:30 to 8:30PM in Washington DC.
Poster titles and authors will be listed in the Addendum to the Convention Program that will be included in all convention registration packets. Notifications about decisions for entries to the NTTR SIG student poster competition will be emailed by September 10, 2018.
All students and trainees who are interested in participating should send an abstract to nttrsig@gmail.com with a maximum of 250 words by August 20th, 2018.
Submissions should include a brief summary of the research project including Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion sections.
Exposition posters must be mounted on foam core or poster board that is no larger than 18" wide x 19" tall. Details about student poster size and format can be found on the ABCT Conference website closer to the meeting. Please be sure to note the smaller size of these posters. Presenters must bring their posters pre-mounted.
“The NTTR SIG’s mission is to bridge the gap between basic and applied science in understanding the nature and treatment of psychiatric disorders. We are committed to multidisciplinary research and the application of cognitive and affective neuroscience to improve the conceptualization and effectiveness of therapeutic interventions. Researchers and practitioners in this SIG apply brain imaging, physiological indices of emotion, cognitive enhancement strategies, neuropsychological and cognitive training, and related techniques as tools for increasing our understanding of anxiety, depression, addictions, schizophrenia, ADHD, and other disorders.”